Five (three)
cliches attributed to liberals by Jonah the Whaleberg, courtesy of
the (fuck the) Washington Post.
me repeat that. Fuck the Washington Post.
I want to say
first off, I am not a capital “L” liberal. That is a label, like Conservative, that has lost any semblance of meaning. I have thoughts and
ideas that are distinctly liberal and not retrogressive,
but I am much more to the left of the left of the left (or what I call the center today.)
‘Diversity is strength'
Yeah, and “Divide and conquer.”'
'Violence never solved
and “Might makes right.”
'The living Constitution’
Yeah and “Corporations are
Reducing ideals to bumper stickers is
all well and good, but at the end of the day they are so much wasted
paper and glue. I have come to realize that there are no redeeming,
creative thought processes concealed within the "conservative" brain (and a lot of "progressive" heads as well.)
It seems to me they are answering their own little voices (of how a
group of people think) and making shit up as they go along. Empathy
is not a strength amongst the status quo.
The damn Washington Post
wants me to subscribe (so I can have my name and address peddled by
their data-miners) in order to view the 3rd page of this
article (bucket of shit.) Did I say fuck the Washington Post.
Well, fuck the Washington Post.
How this inept
apologist and anti-historian can make a living writing this swill (I
know-nepotism and ignorance of or pandering to a select audience)
would be laughable if not for the truly despicable nature of his
thought process and the resulting harm it has and will cause. Is this
some kind of wonderful or what?