I have more in common with doom saying right-wing nut jobs than with the placid middle of the road MUGWUMPS who wouldn't know the difference (or care) between an electric bill and the Bill of Rights. Sad, but true. Strip away the wingnut hate, ignorance and bigotry and their message is one of doom. Depression sets in when my thoughts turn thus. I foresee no reasonable escape for my conundrum, nor do I desire one at this point. I only hope that what arises from the ashes of this mockery of life will be its antithesis. (I'd pray if I believed in a sky god of some kind, but I don't so I won't.)
American culture is devoid of true compassion (we know the words to the song but not the meaning.) It is a culture based upon violence and atrocity. Hell, we have made cruelty a national meme. Our art is split between a glorification of violence and a disneyfied world where everyone is a star. "Bread and circuses" have been replaced by "blood and syrup." Our beliefs are dictated by god and its god, money. Our customs and laws routinely punish the weak and charity is a sign of weakness. This is not culture, but misogyny. It is a breeding ground for "doom and gloom" with "shock and awe" as its marketing strategy.
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