Global Intellectual Failure
"Reasoned debate presupposes mutual knowledge of sincerity." I read this quote and it is applicable from the loftiest aerie of our "masters of the universe" and their psychophantic body of experts to the lowliest molecule of gelatinous matter known as the ignorant unthinking masses. The result is GIF. If a truth is spoken amongst the forest of lies and a world hears it will it be noticed? I doubt if the purveyors of GIF are even aware of the disease. It is quite a paradox.
It saddens me to say that GIF is terminal as there is truly no activity or system that I can see that will thwart its continued toxicity. I used to believe the "crazy times" would not happen in my lifetime, but I am not so sure anymore. With technology (and science) and the globalization of our villages we have achieved an acceleration of "the stupid" on an epic scale and course.
It is only a matter of time...
`The time has come,' the Walrus said, `To talk of many things: Of shoes -- and ships -- and sealing-wax -- Of cabbages -- and kings -- And why the sea is boiling hot -- And whether pigs have wings.'
Can the truth rise to the top of this mass of none information we call the internet?
Is there a way to give those who have enough thirst for facts and truth what they desire if laziness and instant gratification is what is at their core?
Will marketing ever reach it's peak of shock value, subliminal nudging, and half truths that society will have finally seen it all and then be able to see through it?
Is one life time enough to figure it out or is the many lifetimes it took to get us here to great to overcome?
I truly don't give a fuck anymore.
I have made my case over the course of the last ten years to make any thinking person aware of the shit that is happening.
It is up to you now!
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