In the name of,
in the name of...
In the name of love.
Why is most of the world caught in the crossfire between two trivial groups of thugs. One within the US and the other centered on Saudi Arabia and Islam. PNAC, The Carlysle Group, The Federalist Society, Bin Laden family, Halliburton, Taliban, are just a few of the players and it is interesting that there are connections from group to group that go back 30 plus years. Makes you want to sit back and ponder the conspiracies.
Oh well, money is not the measure of things for good or ill. Yet, it does seem to go to people's heads and make them spout some scary shit. Orwell rolls in his grave...
I just heard that Goldman Sachs has just bought a few casinoes in Vegas and Laughlin. The wind carries a most unpleasant odor and for the life of me I can not pinpoint its origin.
These are the days of miracles and wonder...
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