I truly enjoy games and puzzles. Good ones will make you struggle as you grapple with its intricacies. I use to believe that the outcomes could only be measured in dualistic terms (success/failure) because we are then able to label ourselves as either winners or losers. How charming. The action itself is the reward, not the outcome. The outcome signals finality and it is a necessary component of all games. Another aspect of all games is the competition is played to stated rules and an even playing environment with stated boundaries. Participants themselves assume all risks to themselves by their participation. Life is not a game.
People that view their existence as a competition in a grand game are delusional and dangerous. Metaphorically, life is a game, but in this context it is assumed that the "players" are still bound by their own sense of fairness and that the outcome for these "players" is growth. It is solitaire and as stated above the "players" assumes the risk of their participation. One player equals one possible injury. People who use non-players in their game have no conception of the injury they cause and if they did and continue then they have no conscience.
These are people who have usurped their positions of trust and traded it for the psychophant's existence. Doom is a word that comes to mind whenever I see one of these "talking heads" spout his or her verbal diarhea to the masses. We have chosen safety and convenience at the cost of our souls and have become pawns in an insane game of global power. Do not think for a moment that these "players" will sully their hands with anything remotely resembling the causes for which they claim.
They are destroyers. They are fearmongers. There is no creativity in them and for this they are bitter. Their cries of war and death apply to those who are different from them and if history and logic are a guide then they will begin "eating" their own when the inevitable collapse of their projection occurs. You will know these people by their silent submission or their raving lunacy. I shake my head at the willful blindness of my fellow pawns and in hushed tones ask, "when will the sleeper awaken?"