Now, let's see if I (the american) can reach into my cultural steam trunk and fish around for an example of American Exceptionalism. Ah, here it is... Alright, who's been shitting on The Constitution again. Why, the Preamble has a most putrid smell emanating from the brownish smudges that I believe were words at one time.
Is it me? I can no longer tolerate the level of discourse that passes for wisdom in this willfully ignorant nation. WE THE PEOPLE have little or no conception of the reasons we allow governments to be established in the first place. (hint hint: it is not to protect corporations and confuse it with foreign policy.) The stain of complacency, greed and fear has reduced US THE PEOPLE to the role of spectator and a number to be taxed because, face it folks, we are delusional; content in our false belief of greatness and virtue.
Scratched into the drying excrement that covers the first paragraph of The Constitution is:
"New Preamble"
We, the corporate overlords and our lackeys and psychophants, in order to form a more orderly society for our continuing benefit hold that governments must be created to legitimize our plutocratic authority, establish pay as you go, we'll make it up as we go Justice, insure domestic Tranquility by surveillance, random searching, expanding police powers and private security, provide that the commoners in the armed forces will Defend american corporate global interests until they too our privatized, promote the general Welfare by relabeling it special Welfare and using it to enable american corporate global interests, and secure for ourselves the Blessings of Tyranny by mortgaging our posterity and leaving the bill for the people's children and grandchildren and they can secure their own liberties after taxes. We also ordain and establish the right to make shit up and call it defending the Constitution for the USA.
There really are not many options left to us at this late juncture. A "storming the Bastille" moment is needed, yet highly unlikely. Our government has forsaken its people and any pretense of our "noble and just" position in the world is pure crap. The source of our greatness is raw, naked and brutal power. This is compounded by a ruling class that is devoid of originality and a host of lackeys who are quite frankly incompetent. We are definitely in for some interesting times. The elephant, bear, bull and donkey will leave quite a mess before they are through. My hope is that there will be something left. I believe we are at an evolutionary branch where our species' survival will rest on the degree of damage our desperate masters leave in the wake of their demise. The "Resources War" phase of the "Great World War" has begun and I don't believe anyone has noticed.
"You say you want a revolution, well, you know, we all want to change the world."
the 1% push the governments to fight for the last of the available resource lines (country boundaries) so that they can best control their interests as we enter into an era of informed individuals who are against the bloody side of resource war. Once the lines are drawn the wars will be waged with "laws" designed to benefit corporate profits. Less people will die but more will be harmed. The irony is people will think it's better... for a while.
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