
Riding til the Bell

Well, I just missed another birthday; mine. Seems I turned 50 a few days back and no one noticed. Oh, wait, yes the company that insures my car sent me a card; I've never met my agent but the two girls she has working for her are very nice. Anyway, this birthday brought no new revelations or earth shattering epiphanies so I guess I can catalog it with all of the previous ones and move on. However, a milestone like this deserves a pat on the back at a minimum because I truly did not think I would ever make it half as far. In this spirit I am going to spend the next half century doing exactly the same things that got me through the last half century. If you were expecting me to make a list of my sins here you are sadly mistaken. I am, as I was, still... a private person with passions that run the gamut from enriching to perverse and that is all that I will say.
Oh, a timer bell has rung somewhere in this box I call home. It is either the dryer, the stove, the front door or my "beer in the freezer" bell so I have to run. (I hope it's the one for my frosty libation as I am a bit parched from all of this scribbling I make myself do.)


Anonymous said...

Alone again, naturally

Ebon Krieg said...

Pretty sad, huh... This is probably the point, but alas, I missed that too, caught up in all my self absorption and all.