Surprise, Surprise... Libby has been freed from serving his prison sentence. You know, I just can't fathom the nuances (it has to be mental unbalance) of the rethuglican mind. What do I call the last thirty years? A TRAIN WRECK. What little good that has been accomplished by this nation (and I really don't consider getting rich noble or beneficial) has been utterly wiped out, pissed on, pissed away, shit on, left out in the rain, sleet, sun, snow, fucked over, fucked under, FUBAR, etc... and etc...
Let's see, two dem presidents, both from the south, what the hell is up with that? I seem to recall that those "states righters" lost that war. Never underestimate the power of a goober. Where was I, oh yeah... 1976 we get Carter, a very conscientious man and intelligent. Unfortunately he didn't kiss the right congress critters ass and he played "this old man" until Iran revolted and we took the Shah in and then his jig was up. Reagan and Bush I helped that along, but I'm explaining the dem party's executive shortcomings, not SOP rethug strategy (see lying, cheating and stealing for starters.) 1992, after four years of Bush I and eight goddamned years of St. Ronnie the drug store truck driving man, we get Clinton. Another intelligent man, and bonus, he knows how to press the flesh (sorry, I couldn't help it.) He's also a man who will say and do anything to remain popular with any large group. His biggest accomplishments are what he doesn't do (dismantling phase one of rethug manipulations.) For Ra's sake, he actually helped their agenda along. I wept when NAFTA was pushed through and I watched as disgruntled groups made their bones and "domestic terrorism" crept into our homes via the idiot box.
So, you see, while we were being slowly asphyxiated by rethugs for the past 30 plus years, the dems did nothing but loosen the garrote, so our pain and woe could be prolonged. I wrote a piece in October, 2001, where I state that it would almost be better if the rethugs kept office permanently as the dems are so slicked up also that the inevitable outcome, corporate statism, would only arrive sooner. 2006, we saw the dems seal electoral victory and what happens? samo samo. Damn, I'm tired of this crap. You would think that somebody would stand up to the rethugs and finally put this crime syndicate out of business. It's not like these guys are even trying to hide it anymore. Oh well, go back to picking presidents based upon who you would rather have a beer with and I will continue with my Spanish lessons.
Adios amigos
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