There are some jobs in this world that defy imagination and then there are some that are mandatory. There are some that create and others that destroy. Humans work to live. There are no artificial rules to living and the rules (behaviors) that we indeed impose upon ourselves are natural. Society attempts to imposes its will upon us in spite of our natural behavior. The need to codify our rules of living emerged because certain humans needed to preserve the artificial and at the same time needed to justify ignoring the natural. The natural was preserved in the "Golden Rule" and this last vestige of Truth is nothing more than a cheapened ideology which has been coerced by our modern religions, mocked by our economic systems and deadened by the hypocracy of politics.

"The philosphers have interpreted the world in many ways. What matters is changing it."
What has happened is that the natural is no longer inherent within us. We deify the artificial with false myth and immodest hope. Our faith in ourselves is crushed by the seeming immensity of the artificial while apathy and cynicism become our sole (soul) defense. Our charity is measured in bank notes and we can't fathom how or why we feel empty. If there is anyone in this country who is not embarrased and disgusted with our government in at least one of its functions (I really can't think of anything our political parties, especially the Republicans and the neoliberal Democrats, haven't tainted with their backslapping, backsliding back to a time that can never happen again tunnel vision view of a world that is dying.)
Our foreign policy (State) and military (Defense) our two prime examples of this phenomenom. Since when has war become the first option in our diplomacy. Since when are the intelligence branches of our defense department ignored and then belittled to propagandize a war that's only justifications are both too cynical to be spoken aloud because then the men and women who serve honorably in our armed forces would surely feel a bit resentful. Oil and/or global conflaglation are the only two logical explanations I can think of that even come close to rationalizing why the Executive branch unilaterally invaded Iraq and is presently sowing the seeds of war with Iran. We are governed by a cabal of thieves, murderers and liars who have no conscience and, based upon the last six years, no critical thinking skills beyond repetition, no desire to change or admit error.
There is no balance. I'm beginning to question if there ever was. We are not the wonderful democracy loving people we are constantly being told we are. The American Myth is a trip to Disney's Fantasyland complete with marching dwarves, wicked witches and Mr. Toad's Wild Ride off the cliff of reason and into the depths of a Hades Storybookland of hypocracy, hate and selfish Imeminism. Truly, history is meaningless and any thoughtful discourse is ridiculed as we shop and shop and shop. I need to get away before I am translated into the Borg collective.
They truly exist...
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