I have no time for Time magazine, or the National Review, or People, or the Wall Street Journal, or the New York Times, or the Washington Post, or TV (Take an alphabet any alphabet,) or radio, or Republicans, Christianists, Libertarians, Neoliberals, Neoconservatives, fascists (old definition mixing totalitarianism and corporatism,) Nazis, crackers, the Stars and Bars, warhawks, chickenhawks, Pro sports, NASCAR, empire apologists, empire enthusiasts, Big Macs, Whoppers, franchise this, corporations (trusts, monopolies and tax breaks) lawyers, doctors, top heavy government agencies and departments, incompetent/incorrect (you don't appoint oil company executives to regulate oil companies) leadership at government agencies and departments, war machines and their profiteers, bloated beyond common sense defense budget, the insurance and medical businesses (HMOs, drug companies, hospital chains,) the money and real property industries, Wal Mart, alcohol distributors, tobacco companies, Pepsi, Coke, Anheiser Busch, Coors, overpaid actors, private armies, DEA, ICE, Disney, Ford, and any other dynastic family that has perpetuated itself on the coattails of thieves and beggars, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, and any other club (because they are all self serving,) religion, cults, wars on verbs and inanimate objects, Food conglomerates, Private prisons, cops for hire, lima beans, private highways, Mcmansions, political judges, KKK, canned hunts, billionaires, Chevrolet and Firestone (for "paving" the way to auto dependence in L.A.,) organized crime, thugs, bullies, "experts," US presidents, lobbies, "think tanks," college tuition, NCLB, "Clean Air Act," "Healthy Forest Initiative," Drug Czars, all hunting*, overfishing, Xmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, profit over "reasonable return," stock markets, casinos, bingo halls, copyright and patent law, millionaires, middlemen, capitalists, corruption, greed, elitism, jingoism, patriotism, personality cults, hero worship, Awards and the ceremonies they spawn, banana republics, puppet states, guests and associates, genocide, outsourcing, factory worker displacement, job cuts, layoffs, restructuring, leveraged buyouts, viruses, Microsoft, Dell, IBM, HP, usury, ...
If I left you out, I ran out of time.
Is it possible to play in the same game as those you have mentioned without being the self serving interest you describe?
nope. we are trapped.
Acknowledgement is the first step.
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