It's incredible how easily we justify greed and applaud theft in our selfish little worlds. It is equally amazing that there are people who truly believe in myths (Affluence is produced by "hard work.") and fairy tales (America is the greatest country that ever was.) Why not? We have been subjected to this gloriously limiting world view our whole lives.
All thoughtful criticism of the status quo is resented by the affluent and ridiculed by its "intellectuals" not on the merits of the criticism, but on some esoteric collective belief that there is this "real world" where their economic rules are universal and that its primacy is due to the historical proof of its Darwinian "survival." This could be possible if capitalism is truly the penultimate economic theory. However, those who argue in favor of this conclusion will inevitably "cherrypick" history and proclaim superiority based upon the great benefits that this system has produced for the world through the "invisible hand" of competition and efficiency.
I have no doubt that these thoughts will be criticized and I will be labelled as an idealist, at best, a socialist or, at worst, a crackpot. Fine, the fact that these words have a negative connotation and are used as slurs displays a subconscious understanding that something is wrong. I also have no doubt that a great many of you, like me, see the inherent flaws within capitalism and are concerned at some level. The system, represented by corporations, depends upon ever increasing amounts of energy and other non-renewable raw materials to sustain itself. It must constantly maximize its profits through growth and/or downsizing for survival. It is relatively immune from serious consequences for negligent or criminal actions. (Pay the fine, raise prices and let the taxpayer clean up the mess.)
Free market capitalism is primarily represented by corporations. The corporation (a legal entity) is not beneficial, and is efficient and competitive only in the most cynically superficial way.
Beneficial: conducive to personal or social well being.
Efficient: productive of desired effects, especially without waste.
Competition: the effort of two or more parties acting independently to secure favor.
A corporation is an economic entity that is hierarchical and totalitarian. It is protected/promoted by governments through overt/covert naked brutality and graft. Finally, it is marketed with propaganda disseminated through a compliant mass media which is controlled by the corporation directly (through ownership) or indirectly (through advertisement money.) It is but a modern version of the ancient latifundium. Economists are its "high priests" and its existence is perpetuated by greed and fear.
If history is a guide then the final collapse of this system will be dramatic and widespread. The signs of decay are visible and the decline will likely be gradual. Repair is impossible and the alternative (replacement) will be unacceptable to the privileged as they will violently protect their booty(s)in a game of winner take all and nothing. Class war is a possibility, but the diminishing middle class and the poor are quite easily swayed by "bread and circuses" and very resistant to radical change. The slow creation of a police state and the gradual loss of liberties is a signal that our plutocrats are nervous.
"History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of man."
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