as failure is a feature of our imperialism and our world view
narrows, short term success (financial) only makes our system survive
a bit longer than it should. The overarching stimulus is money that
truly means nothing. Failure (war) produces money, soulless fame and
success (the stock market) that is supported endlessly in this
failure. I dread the day when people recognize how duped they have
is failed wars, destroyed cities and environmental catastrophe.
Success is improved weapons, rebuilding impoverished cities for rich
people and the continuous and relentless destruction of public lands
for profit that are destroyed by man-made and natural disasters.
love my cheap food. I love my country. I love my ignorance. I hate
without reason. I hate different people. I hate taxes.
profits and more profits. This is the mantra that will doom us. Why
don't our leaders come right out and say that their world depends
upon us and explain why they need more. They hide behind flags and
hatred. They hide behind a force without precedence, yet they are
If there is one
constant among a true citizen, and especially the military (their
oath is binding), it is a belief that the Constitution is worth
defending. Failure to uphold this simple creed is not negotiable.
Leaders who do not heed this will understand that the people, and our
soldiers, will realize your folly at some point and make you pay.

Power is a
thing not trifled with. I look at the government (all three branches)
and know how we came to this point.

Fixing this dysfunction will be
the work of the generations that follow the GREATEST generation and
the BOOMER generation (both of which failed to provide the simple
creed that your children will be as well off or better than you). You
both failed miserably because of greed, fear and ego.
more things stay the same, the more difficult it will be to change.